Friday, June 27, 2008

Composite Design Pattern

Is an object that have other objects as their children. The goal of the Composite pattern is to be able to treat individual objects and compositions of objects the same way. All objects in the Composite are derived from Composite itself.
The essential players in the Composite pattern UML diagram are:

IComponent : Defines the operations for objects in the composition, and any default behavior
that will be applicable across objects of both types
Operation : Performs an operation on IComponent-conforming objects.
Component : Implements IComponent .
Composite : Implements IComponent and containing a list of components.
The client deals only with the IComponent interface, which simplifies its task.

And this the implementation :

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text; // for StringBuilder
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace CompositePattern
// The Interface
public interface IComponent
void Add(IComponent c);
IComponent Remove(T s);
string Display(int depth);
IComponent Find(T s);
T Name { get; set; }
// The Component
public class Component : IComponent
public T Name { get; set; }
public Component(T name)
Name = name;
public void Add(IComponent c)
Console.WriteLine("Cannot add to an item");
public IComponent Remove(T s)
Console.WriteLine("Cannot remove directly");
return this;
public string Display(int depth)
return new String('-', depth) + Name + "\n";
public IComponent Find(T s)
if (s.Equals(Name))
return this;
return null;
// The Composite
public class Composite : IComponent
List> list;
public T Name { get; set; }
public Composite(T name)
Name = name;
list = new List>();
public void Add(IComponent c)
IComponent holder = null;
// Finds the item from a particular point in the structure
// and returns the composite from which it was removed
// If not found, return the point as given
public IComponent Remove(T s)
holder = this;
IComponent p = holder.Find(s);
if (holder != null)
(holder as Composite).list.Remove(p);
return holder;
return this;
// Recursively looks for an item
// Returns its reference or else null
public IComponent Find(T s)
holder = this;
if (Name.Equals(s)) return this;
IComponent found = null;
foreach (IComponent c in list)
found = c.Find(s);
if (found != null)
return found;
// Displays items in a format indicating their level in the composite structure
public string Display(int depth)
StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(new String('-', depth));
s.Append("Set " + Name + " length :" + list.Count + "\n");
foreach (IComponent component in list)
s.Append(component.Display(depth + 2));
return s.ToString();

class CompositeApp
static void Main()
IComponent album = new Composite("Album");
string parameter = "photo";
album.Add(new Component(parameter));
album = album.Find(parameter);
album = album.Remove(parameter);

Best regards

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